日本財団 図書館


4. The provisions of Articles 27, 29 and 30 shall apply, accordingly, to a competence test for an aircraft dispatcher.


5. Application for the competence test for an aircraft dispatcher and other detailed matters thereof shall be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


(Places for Landing and Take-oft)
Article 79. No aircraft (other than those specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport) shall takeoff or land, on land, at places other than aerodromes, and on water, at places other than those specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.
However, the same shall not apply when permitted by the Minister of Transport.


(Prohibited Area)
Article 80. No aircraft shall be flown over such area as is likely to endanger the safe operation of other aircraft and as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.
However, the same shall not apply when permitted by the Minister of Transport.


(Minimum Safety Altitude)
Article 81. No aircraft shall be flown, except during take off or landing, at an altitude lower than that which may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport, taking into consideration the safety of persons or properties on the land or water and the safety of aircraft. However, the same shall not apply when permitted by the Minister of Transport.


(Exceptions for Search and Rescue)
Article 81-(2). The provisions of the preceding three Articles shall not apply to flights by aircraft conducted for search and rescue operations in case of aircraft accidents, maritime disasters and other accidents as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


(Cruising Altitude)
Article 82. Any aircraft shall, when flying at an altitude of 900 meters (300 meters, in case of flying under instrument flight rules) or higher above the surface of land or water, cruise at an altitude as may be specified in Ordinances of the Ministry of Transport.


2. No aircraft shall, when engaged in a flight other than under instrument flight rules, in the congested airspace designated by the Minister of Transport in the Notification for airways within an air traffic control area (except the positive control airspace as stipulated in Article 94-2, paragraph 1), change its cruising





